Sunday lunch is an iconic British favourite we take very seriously indeed. Each week, three meats from local farms are available, carefully prepared with all the traditional trimmings. Think Dingley Dell pork with homemade apple sauce, roast leg of local lamb, and of course a blushing-pink sirloin of Red Poll beef.
These Sunday roasts are served all day in the Eaterie from 12pm - 4pm, and again from 5pm - 9pm.
Click here to view the sample Sunday Menu
Demand to dine is high, so we've opened The Vaults every Sunday too, with bookings open between 12.30-2pm. Book early to dine in what is surely Suffolk's most unique venue.
Simply choose your dining destination below, and click the link to book your table

Sunday Lunch in the Underground Vaults
Demand to dine is high, so we've opened the vaults every Sunday too, with bookings open between 12.30-2pm. These 12th Century cellars are the talk of the town - a truly unique dining venue.
Book Now